Country Dashboard

Regional Headquarters


LCC Saudi Arabia

Offices 4 & 5
2nd floor
Al-Mizan Tower
Al Olaya Main Street
P.O. Box 2432 Riyadh 11451
Saudi Arabia

Tel: +966 (11) 46 53 626
Fax: +966 (11) 466 1838



LCC KSA delivers professional services covering nearly the whole lifecycle of any telecom project. The majority of our current engagements are based on High Level Technical and Project/Program Management Consulting, delivered in both Time & Material and Managed Services mode to Telecom operators and Government entities. Additionally, we deliver Consulting, Turn-key Network Services and Managed Services to leading telecom vendors.

We offer turnkey telecommunications solutions for defining, designing, integrating, deploying, commissioning and operating communications systems for the commercial, public and defense telecommunications sectors.