Country Dashboard

Regional Headquarters


LCC France

410 Clos de la Courtine
93160 Noisy-Le-Grand

Phone: +
Fax: N/A

Please Note our New Address as of June, 2011


Acquired by LCC in 2007 as part of the WFI European Operations purchase, LCC France has been at the heart of Europe operations for several years. In 2000 the office began operating as a Network Design provider to a major equipment vendor in relation with the 4th UMTS license award. This initial launch evolved into turnkey optimization services for a major equipment vendor related to the launch of 3G in the Southeast of France and a major optimization related to a Belgian Radio swap. LCC France has continued with a series of major equipment vendor and operator contracts. Today LCC France is very active providing Business Consulting, Project Management, Network Planning, Performance Services (optimization, benchmarking, drive testing), Technical Assistance and Training Services and planning for continued growth with a constantly evolving group of service offerings.LCC customers in France include the leading players of the telecommunications industry and notably leading operators and equipment vendors. LCC also works for governmental bodies, the regulator, local territories and regions of France helping them to reduce the digital divide.

The French telecommunications market is very active and will remain as such for the foreseeable future. One of the main reasons is related to the “iPhone effect” and data traffic explosion which results in major bottlenecks in mobile networks. This requires a profound redesign of mobile networks, an optimization of their capacity and performance as well as the introduction of new features. LCC’s skills and expertise is heavily used by its customers to help them meet this challenge of ever increasing traffic patterns.

The introduction of LTE is becoming a reality. The license attribution process is on its way. LCC is already fully engaged to help its customers successfully meet the 4G/LTE challenge and delivers 4G/LTE network design services as well as measurement services in pilot mode.

In 2013, LCC diversified successfully its activities by starting deployments of Optical Fibers (FTTB)
and installations of Customer Premises Equipments (FTTB and FTTH).