Founded in 1983 by Dr. Rajendra Singh, in conjunction with the deployment of the first US advanced mobile phone system (“AMPS”) and working directly with industry pioneers such as Craig McCaw, Craig Farrell, and Wayne Schelle to design the networks that served as the platforms for modern wireless as we know it today, Lightbridge Communications Corporation (LCC) is a pioneer in the wireless industry.
The original premise of our business was to help perspective licensees develop and submit applications for the initial round of cellular licenses in the United States. The engineering services and tools that LCC developed to accomplish these tasks became the basis of our business. LCC also developed exceptional design engineering capabilities in order to assist its clients with the design and optimization of their networks. In fact, many of our clients maintained no internal engineering resources to support the design of their networks. This work was entirely outsourced to LCC.
Over the past thirty years of operation, LCC has continually expanded its capabilities and adjusted its services offerings to best suit the needs of the industry. LCC has been involved in the design and optimization of networks utilizing virtually every major transport technology ranging from traditional microwave and leased line to advanced technologies. Our desire is to take this knowledge, experience and skill, and apply it to the greatest benefit for our clients in the design, deployment, optimization and operations of their existing and future networks. Having started at the very inception of the mobile wireless industry, LCC has been fortunate to be intimately involved with - and in many cases leading - new technology at virtually every step of the way.